The Overview Effect

People who’ve seen the Earth from space, not in a photograph but in real life, pretty much all report the same thing. “You spend even a little time contemplating the Earth from orbit and the most deeply ingrained nationalisms begin to erode,” Carl Sagan once described the phenomenon. “They seem the squabbles of mites on … Continue reading The Overview Effect

Noam Chomsky on socialism – “workers themselves being masters over production”

Scott Casleton: Unsurprisingly, there has been a lot of debate trying to define socialism. You have quoted Anton Pannekoek for saying socialism is “workers themselves being masters over production.” Can you elaborate on what this might look like? Noam Chomsky: Pannekoek is voicing the conventional understanding of socialism in its early years, before it was transmuted … Continue reading Noam Chomsky on socialism – “workers themselves being masters over production”