The Origins of Money

Money, Currency and Crisis: In Search of Trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000 (2018) The origins of money This quest for ‘trust’ has to start from the creation of money in ancient times. Scholars have often sought for the origin of money, but we need not assume that money was invented in one place. Money … Continue reading The Origins of Money

Hannah Arendt and Isaiah Berlin: Freedom Episode #136 - Hannah Arendt - The Banality of Evil Hannah Arendt: What Is Freedom? (1958) Hannah Arendt: Freedom and Politics (1961) Hannah Arendt: The Freedom to Be Free (1966-67): Never-Before-Published Hannah Arendt on What Freedom and Revolution Really Mean (2017) Kei Hiruta: Hannah Arendt and Isaiah Berlin: Freedom, Politics and Humanity (2021) Freedom … Continue reading Hannah Arendt and Isaiah Berlin: Freedom

Noam Chomsky: Prospects for Democracy (1994)

Noam Chomsky: Prospects for Democracy (1994)Noam Chomsky: Chomsky on Democracy and Education (2002) Internet Archive Noam Chomsky: Prospects for Democracy [EDITED VERSION] Noam Chomsky: Prospects for Democracy (1994) Noam Chomsky: Prospects for Democracy (March 10, 1994) [Conception of a good society: enriching popular participation]If we look at the present scene, we find an … Continue reading Noam Chomsky: Prospects for Democracy (1994)

“Rhode Island was notorious for its populism and its debtor-inspired paper money emissions, Madison especially disliked it.” Gordon Wood: Power and Liberty: Constitutionalism in the American Revolution (2021) Epilogue Why didn’t Rhode Island attend the Constitutional Convention in 1787? Answering this question might help explain the dynamic way America, or least the northern part of it, developed in the early Republic. In refusing to attend the meeting in Philadelphia, the Rhode … Continue reading “Rhode Island was notorious for its populism and its debtor-inspired paper money emissions, Madison especially disliked it.”

George Orwell: Veiled literary censorship Noam Chomsky: Literary Censorship | Andrew Marr Interview (1996) The Freedom of the Press: George Orwell on the Media’s Toxic Self-Censorship But the chief danger to freedom of thought and speech at this moment is not the direct interference of the MOI or any official body. If publishers and editors exert themselves to keep … Continue reading George Orwell: Veiled literary censorship

Noam Chomsky: Science, Mind, and Limits of Understanding “Language, Creativity, and the Limits of Understanding” by Professor Noam Chomsky (4-21-16) Noam Chomsky - "The machine, the ghost, and the limits of understanding" (2011) Noam Chomsky on René Descartes Noam Chomsky: Science, Mind, and Limits of Understanding (2014) The Science and Faith Foundation (STOQ), The Vatican, January 2014 One of the … Continue reading Noam Chomsky: Science, Mind, and Limits of Understanding

Money as circulating credit: “Bills of exchange, not the pound sterling convertible into gold, were the effective currency of Victorian Britain.”

The notion of money as circulating credit is supported by the history of the bill of exchange, which appeared in Europe in the 16th century. These credit notes became the dominant financial instrument, upon which the development of European commerce depended. Bills of exchange, which were accepted and discounted by merchant bankers, circulated as currency … Continue reading Money as circulating credit: “Bills of exchange, not the pound sterling convertible into gold, were the effective currency of Victorian Britain.”